Every year, I looked forward to baking cookies with my mom. I have collected most of the family recipes over the years and am excited to continue the traditions of having cinnamon bread and egg casserole on Christmas morning, homemade Chex mix in the afternoon, and Auntie Mae's cookies with homemade pie after dinner.
With some of the guests at the Christmas eve Open House - 2006 |
As soon as we got home, we would put out cookies, milk, and carrots (for the reindeer). I would carefully write a note to Santa and would be so excited the next morning to read what he wrote back to me.
Our Christmas boots in 1987 |
Christmas 2012 - Esteban is excited to teach a child to fly a kite with his new monkey kite from his boot |
Each morning, we would empty our Christmas boots (made by my grandfather). Included in the stash was always a jigsaw puzzle that we would spend the day working on. After lunch, we always played card games or dominoes and laughed for hours.
In our family, gift wrapping was almost as important as what was inside. Not only were the packages beautiful, but each year one gift would often include a scavenger hunt or another similar way to make us laugh as we unwrapped.
My mother and I by the tree - 2004 |
We can hardly wait to have a child that we can spend Christmas with and introduce them to all of the family traditions and memories.
Christmas with my grandmother - 2001 |